Selling Home Privately in Ontario: Your Ultimate Guide

Selling a home privately in Ontario can be a smart and financially rewarding decision. By eliminating the need for a real estate agent, you can save on commission fees and have complete control over the selling process. However, it requires careful planning and execution. This guide provides essential tips for selling your home privately in Ontario and insights into buying a home in Ontario.

 Why Sell Your Home Privately?

Cost Savings

One of the primary advantages of selling your home privately is the potential to save thousands of dollars on real estate agent commissions, which typically range from 4% to 6% of the selling price. These savings can be substantial, especially in a high-value market like Ontario.

Control Over the Process

Selling your home privately means you have full control over every aspect of the sale, from setting the price to negotiating directly with buyers. This can lead to a more personalized and satisfying experience.


Without an agent, you have the flexibility to schedule showings and open houses according to your convenience. This can make the process less stressful and more efficient.

Steps to Selling Your Home Privately in Ontario

1. Prepare Your Home

Before listing your home, make sure it’s in the best possible condition. This includes:

      • Decluttering: Remove personal items and excess furniture to create a spacious and inviting atmosphere.

      • Deep Cleaning: Ensure your home is spotless, which includes carpets, windows, and all surfaces.

      • Repairs and Maintenance: Fix any minor issues, such as leaky faucets, broken tiles, or chipped paint.

      • Staging: Consider hiring a professional stager to highlight your home’s best features and make it more appealing to potential buyers.

2. Set the Right Price

Accurate pricing is crucial for attracting buyers and selling your home quickly. To set a competitive price:

      • Conduct a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA): Look at recent sales of similar homes in your area.

Hire a Professional Appraiser: Get an objective valuation of your home to ensure it’s priced correctly.

3. Market Your Home Effectively

Effective marketing is key to attracting potential buyers. Here are some strategies:

      • Online Listings: Post your home on popular real estate websites like, Kijiji, and Facebook Marketplace.

      • Social Media: Use platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to reach a broader audience.

      • Yard Signs: Place a "For Sale By Owner" sign in your yard to attract local buyers.

      • Open Houses: Host open houses to allow potential buyers to tour your home.

4. Create a Compelling Listing

A professional and detailed listing can make a significant difference. Ensure your listing includes:

      • High-Quality Photos: Hire a professional photographer to capture your home’s best features.

      • Detailed Description: Write an engaging and accurate description of your home, highlighting key features and recent upgrades.

      • Virtual Tours: Offer virtual tours to give potential buyers an immersive experience.

5. Screen Potential Buyers

When buyers show interest, screen them to ensure they are serious and financially capable. Request mortgage pre-approval letters to verify their ability to purchase.

6. Negotiate Offers

Once you receive offers, be prepared to negotiate. Consider all aspects of the offer, including price, contingencies, and closing timeline. Strong negotiation skills can help you achieve a favorable outcome.

7. Handle Legal Aspects

Selling a home involves significant legal work. It’s advisable to hire a real estate lawyer to assist with:

      • Drafting and Reviewing Contracts: Ensure all legal documents are accurate and complete.

      • Title Search: Verify that there are no legal issues with your property’s title.

      • Closing Process: Assist with the closing process, including transferring ownership and handling legal requirements.

8. Close the Sale

The final step is closing the sale. This involves signing the necessary paperwork, transferring the title, and receiving the payment. Your lawyer will guide you through this process to ensure everything goes smoothly.

Tips for Buying a Home in Ontario

If you’re also interested in buying a home in Ontario, here are some tips to consider:

      • Do Your Research: Understand the market conditions and look for homes that meet your needs and budget.

      • Get Pre-Approved: Secure mortgage pre-approval to strengthen your bargaining position and streamline the buying process.

      • Inspect the Property: Always get a professional home inspection to identify any potential issues before purchasing.

      • Understand All Costs: Be aware of additional costs, such as legal fees, land transfer taxes, and closing costs.


Selling your home privately in Ontario can be a rewarding process if approached with careful planning and attention to detail. By following these steps, you can navigate the complexities of the sale and achieve a successful outcome. Whether you’re selling or buying a home in Ontario, being well-informed and prepared is key to a smooth and profitable transaction.

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